Containers have been passed around the globe and handled so many times. Although container washing has been done thoroughly, there are still harmful microbes present on each container that may prove detrimental to the flora and fauna in Solomon Islands. These microbes could not be washed clean; therefore, ports fumigators are employed to get rid of this pests which could otherwise upset the food security in Solomon Islands.
Our team consists of experienced fumigators and hold an AUSTRALIAN licensed pest control certificate , have sat and passed the AUSTRALIAN FUMIGATION ACCREDIATION(AFAS) EXAMINATION .We are also authorized by the Solomon Island Government, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Bio security compliance office to act as fumigator.
With the nearly completion of our new fumigation site ,SIPA fumigation division aims to become the first ever fully AFAS fumigator in the country .As soon as all audits is finalized with the SI/Aussi Biosecurity compliance, all exports for Australia and New Zealand followed by the rest of the world can now be done in one particular area. easing access to cargoes for on board ship.
1.Coduct Pre-shipment methyl bromide fumigation
2.Conduct Aluminum Phosphine fumigation
3.Conduct AFAS-methyl bromide and phosphine fumigations
1.100% Methyl bromide Pre-shipment Fumigation
-General fumigation ideal for both consumables and non-consumables thus to be used under strict biosecurity directions for applications…e.g. timbers, commodities, household, and items etc.
2.Aluminium Phosphine fumigation
-Mainly used for fumigating exported or imported commodities like copra and cocoa palm kernel meal packed in bulk sorges or bags.
3.AFAS methyl bromide and phosphine
-As soon all audits and site confirmation of our new AFAS site and equipment rig is fully endorsed by the Solomon island biosecurity and Australian biosecurity we will carry out all required strictly as per AFAS standard protocols and processes.
Future Fumigation scope of activities
-Domestic ship fumigation
-Treating ships hold copra etc…
-Domestic pest control activites
We strive to ensure all our clients exports are certified and fumigated according to the appropriate fumigation procedures to conform to any importing country phytosanitary requirements.
We hope our services assist in the facilitation of our nations trade and the wider international trade links.