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Solomon Ports staff in Honiara today celebrated the port’s 68th anniversary with a simple but special event at Unity Square, Honiara Port, marking nearly seven decades of service to the country.

The celebration saw staff members taking a well-deserved break from their duties to honour this significant milestone in the port's history.

The event commenced with the singing of the national anthem, This was followed by a solemn minute of silence to remember and honour SIPA staff who have passed away after their dedicated service to the port. The moment served as a important reminder of the legacy and contributions of the past employees who helped build the port into what it is today.

Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Eranda Kotelawala, addressed the gathering and reflected on the port's achievements over the years, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and dedication. Mr. Kotelawala highlighted how the combined efforts of all staff members have been instrumental in overcoming challenges and driving the port’s progress.

SIPA Board Chairman, Mr. Mike Wate, also spoke at the event. He expressed his acknowledgment to the staff for their commitment and hard work. Mr. Wate also acknowledged the significant role each employee plays in the port’s operations, from the newest recruits to the long-serving veterans. He encouraged everyone to continue striving for excellence and to support each other as a team.

A key highlight of the celebrations today was the awarding of certificates of recognition to ten long-serving staff members. These individuals, both men and women, have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to the port, with some having served for nearly 40 years. Their longstanding service is a testament to their loyalty and hard work.

In addition to the formal speeches and awards, the long-serving employees were given the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences. They spoke candidly about the challenges they faced over the years and how they overcame them. Their stories provided valuable insights and inspiration to the younger and newer staff members. The veterans shared words of encouragement, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, dedication, and a positive attitude in achieving success.

Solomon Ports would like to thank and acknowledge all stakeholders who have been part of the Ports progress over the past 68 years, and looks forward to the future.


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