Solomon Ports assists Rotary Club Honiara

Solomon Ports is pleased to assist the Solomon Islands Wantok Association of NSW organised the donation of 70 beds for Kilu’ufi Hospital, in Malaita Province.
Norwest Rotary Club were asked to provide a 40ft container and pay shipping costs to Honiara. The beds were delivered to the Rotary warehouse in Castle Hill for packing, but shipping was delayed by Covid-19.
The container made its way to Honiara in September 2020 was cleared and awaiting shipping to Kilufii with the assistance of Tongs corporation, Solomon Islands Ports and the Rotary Club of Honiara,The 40 foot container holds a number of items for the hospital, including 70 beds, bed linen, medical gowns, equipment and basic medical items.
CEO Eranda Kotelawala said Solomon Ports is pleased to assist Rotary Club of Honiara by waiving the port charges to support a worthy community project during this unprecedented times.
"As a responsible SOE, we feel much obliged to be part of this assistance to our health care system in the country in partnership with Rotary Club.”