SIPA joins Honiara street cleanup

Solomon Ports as part of this year's 'World Environment Day' on the 4th of June , joined other major companies and SOE's in cleaning the main highway in Honiara.
A total of over 50 staff from SIPA joined the cleanup, which started at Commonwealth Street in the capital's CDB all the way to Kukum in East Honiara.
Other private companies , organizations and SOE's were also part of the city cleanup.
SIPA has over the past years taken part in such initiatives, and assisting in innovative waste management methods in Honiara.
Last year , as part of the 3 'R's campaign , SIPA has provided waste bins to seven schools in Honiara, in a bid to spread awareness to the next generation and young children, on the importance of practice proper waste management methods.
SIPA also installed garbage bins along the commonwealth street, in the capital's CBD to ensure the street is clean and tidy.